Aug 29, 2019 | design, packaging, process

The importance of the label design on a bottle of wine

The label is the first contact that we have with the wine. It is through the label that we are able to learn about the wine’s history, castes, and age. And, it’s only after looking at the bottle do we decide if we want to taste what’s inside. 

Wine, by nature, tells a story– it is a drink that has been present for thousands of years, and often in significant and ceremonious occasions. The design on the wine’s label gives us the opportunity to visually share the tale of each bottle.   

A wine label, a story

Each label is designed and conceived in a unique way. 

The conversations with the producer, their ideas, their experiences, and their objectives are all fundamental elements of a successful design. The soil where the wine was planted, the grape varieties, the sun exposure, and the altitude are the basis for drawing a label and crafting a narrative.  

From creative concept to branding

Only after absorbing all the information from the producer and the winemaker, and letting ourselves be inspired by the smells and flavors of the landscape, does the creative process begin.  

Here, we combine art and marketing to create a label that conveys the wine’s unique history, focusing on the essence of the brand without forgetting the storytelling aspect. 


From Our Portfolio: Tyto Alba

Here, we’ll introduce you to the project Tyto Alba and the creative process behind the design. 

We created a concept, name, and entirely new packaging for Companhia das Lezírias‘ award-winning Tyto Alba wine.  

The central challenge was to portray the brand- which was founded in 1836 under the reign of Queen Maria II- in all its grandeur and tradition, while adding a touch of modernity. We also sought to incorporate the brand’s core values, such as the environmental preservation projects that have become synonymous with the brand in recent years. 

The name, the concept, and the design of the label were inspired by the connection between Companhia das Lezírias and the vineyard’s surrounding wildlife. The name Tyto Alba, which is the scientific name for the white barn owl, was selected to celebrate the role that owls hold in wine production: their presence acts as a natural pest control and environmental regulator. As such, its presence on the label is equally fundamental.   

The branding is intended to enhance the traits of this bird, engaging in a design that brings life to its elegant and mysterious personality. 

Through Tyto Alba, a brand that honors the hundred-year history of the winery and celebrates the Portuguese people was developed.  

To learn more about the creative process behind some of our most iconic projects, browse our blog.

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